XforWooCommerce updates and fixes! Found a bug? Follow this link → https://help.xforwoocommerce.com
- added new plugin! Package Quantity Discount for WooCommerce is here!
WordPress 5.4.1 (Tested on 5.5-beta1-48404)
WooCommerce 4.2.2
Product filters 7.3.3
- fixed not able to remove collector, problems with svx admin
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Product options 5.0.2
- fixed custom option selection problems
- fixed custom option missing in cart
- fixed custom option input field “” bug
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Badges and counters 4.2.2
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Search engine optimization 1.4.2
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Live product editing 4.5.2
- update svx admin 1.4.3
PDF, print and share 2.6.2
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Shop design 1.5.2
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Warranties and returns 5.1.2
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Product Tabs 1.3.2
- fixed special characters in tab name bug
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Spam Control 1.3.2
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Price Commander 1.1.3
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Bulk Add to Cart 1.1.2
- added shortcode
- added plain style for sidebar use
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Live Search 1.2.2
- fixed placeholder in Safari
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Floating Cart 1.1.2
- update svx admin 1.4.3
Package Quantity Discount 1.0.0
- initial release! have phun!
Whitelabel 1.0.0
- The Whiltelabel plugin is born. This plugin will not be a part of XforWooCommerce. If you need such plugin please do purchase a license.
ShopKit Theme 2.3.2
- XforWooCommerce 1.4.2
- WPBakery Page Builder 6.2.0
- Ultimate Add-ons for WPBakery Page Builder 3.19.5
- Revolution Slider 6.2.15