XforWooCommerce updates and fixes! Found a bug? Follow this link → https://help.xforwoocommerce.com
- XforWooCommerce 1.6.2 – Superb update!
WordPress 5.6.0
WooCommerce 4.8.0
Product filters 8.0.2
- added active filtering. variable products instock/outofstock support is upgraded. products will be grayed + a badge will show if they are out of stock. check sample here https://demos.xforwoocommerce.com/product-category/variable/shoes/ more things are improved. adoptive terms counts will now work better and will even work if you select instock products filters. give it a try! this is experimental, and we expect feedback on performance and use. thanks!
- added inherited widget styles. widget styles can now be inherited form presets. this means you can have a top bar in sidebar as well as set fixed sidebars or fullscreen filter layout
- added prdctfltr=”aside” parameter for products shortcode to output easily sidebar filter with products
- added product_finder shortcode for easy product finder use. we will write a full article on that matter asap
- added support for breadcrumbs change after AJAX
- improved performance on adoptive queries
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- improved popup filter style and js
- improved sidebars filter style and js
- fixed visible checkbox/accessibility problems from last version
- fixed price filter issues
- fixed term counts not working properly
- removed JS scroll and added enhanced scroll bars style instead
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Product options 5.1.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Badges and counters 4.3.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Search engine optimization 1.5.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Live product editing 4.6.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
PDF, print and share 2.7.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Shop design 1.6.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Warranties and returns 5.2.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Product Tabs 1.4.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Spam Control 1.4.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Price Commander 1.2.0
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Bulk Add to Cart 1.2.0
- added checkbox position after add to cart
- added button style inherit
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Live Search 2.0.0
- added extended products search!
- added search by any taxonomy term in your products, that includes categories, tags, attributes, even shipping labels! this new taxonomies terms search system support even the fuzzy and misspelled words! go to your live search settings page and setup your extended search! these even have cache, as not everyday you change terms, so we keep them for amazing performance!
- added search by sku! woohoo!
- added search by any meta key!
- added callout=”yes” shortcode parameter. this will only show a search icon and on click will bring out the full screen live products search modal
- added dismiss search on type
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- fixed empty separator problems
- fixed iphone safari line height placeholder problems in search field
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Floating Cart 1.2.0
- added support for mobile phones cart
- added to cart and to checkout buttons in cart content
- added my account button
- fixed max height for cart contents
- fixed remove from cart not updating count
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0
Package Quantity Discount 1.1.0
- fixed bug with prices and multiple different items with package and discount criteria
- improved compilers node, node-sass, scss
- update svx admin 1.5.0