We made the impossible possible and now our two best plugins the Product Filter and Improved Product Options work in unison with each other.
What does that do for my WooCommerce shop you ask?
Alright, I am more than happy to show you. As you know our Product Filter allows you to filter the products according to your needs and it can filter based on size, color, category, price, etc. The Product Options plugin gives you the ability to customize and add additional extra options for the products such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns and more.
Product Options follow Product Filters
Now, what we did is made those two plugins work with each other. If for example you find yourself on a shop page and you want to filter for shoe size 8, you will click on our shoe size filter 8 term.
As soon as you filter, you will get the desired results, but the Product Options plugin will recognize what you did and respond accordingly and it will select the 8 size variation the products have.
If you now click the product and go to the product page, you will also see that the 8 term is active and selected and can be added to the cart with just a single click!
Wanna checkout live demo? Go here → https://demos.xforwoocommerce.com/product-category/variable/shoes/